. Female Orgasm : Multiple Orgasms During Intercourse for a Woman - WOMEN Cry News -->

Female Orgasm : Multiple Orgasms During Intercourse for a Woman

I masturbated very often when I was young and can have multiple orgasms. But when having intercourse with my boyfriend, I cannot have orgasm without him touching my clitoris. My boyfriend wants me to have multiple orgasms and feels inadequate otherwise. What can I do ? What are the problems with female orgasm ?

Answer :

You reach orgasm in a normal way. Women generally do not have an orgasm during intercourse, but through the stimulation of the clitoris. You have all the reasons to be happy with your sex life. Why not just enjoy it instead of trying to reach impossible goals ? Men watching pornographic movies, where the actresses have multiple orgasms, believe that women also can have them in reality, but it is very unusual. These actresses are acting very well they are faking it, and the films do not represent how it works in real life.

By Gunborg Palme

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